Giving milk, formula milk, or water to babies using a bottle of milk is actually okay. However, you need to know that this habit can be dangerous for babies, you know. Come on, identify what are the dangers and how to safely provide baby food using a milk bottle. Milk bottles are widely used because it is more practical, can be used to provide breast milk (breast milk) to babies even if the mother is working or can not breastfeed directly, and can measure breastfeeding or milk (formula milk). Even so, the use of milk bottles can be considered dangerous for babies, if not done carefully. Various Dangers of Giving Baby Food Using Milk Bottles Here are some of the dangers that may occur in infants due to consuming food through a bottle of milk: Overeat Instinctively, babies who suckle directly on their breasts are more able to measure hunger and satiety. Babies who suckle directly on their breasts will usually stop breastfeeding immediately when they feel full. However, it is diff...